Computer Science-Information
Systems Researcher. Open Source Advocate, Technical Article
Writer. As part of my major career milestones, I have
participated in European Projects as a team leader and in
European project proposals and participated in
state-of-the-art research projects.
My main research interests include the definition of
Next-Generation Intelligent Web, Federated Search With
Semantic Web Databases and Repositories and Enterprise
Knowledge graphs. My main goal and philosophy is that the
future Web should simulate collective intelligence in the
form of distributed repositories.
I have been always an early adopter of state-of-the-art
proof-of-concept research.
Contact Details & Social Links
Carlos F. Enguix
Pasaje Los Lirios 148, Urb. Las Flores, San Miguel, Lima, Lim032, Peru
+51 960 756 150
Research & Academic Goals
Research Projects
Coffee Cups Consumed
Current Research Interests
- Semantic Web: RDF, RDF-Schema, Ontologies, Ontology-based Data Querying, Semantic Querying
- Semantic Web Databases: Federated Search With RDF-based Databases & Repositories
- Knowledge Graphs: Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Virtual Knowledge Graphs, Knowledge Graph Querying, Query formulation on top of Domain-specific Knowledge graphs
- Data Science & Data engineering: data clustering algorithms
- Social Web & Web Intelligence: AI-based frameworks for Intelligent Querying of Disperse Web Data
Current Development Tools & Software Involved
Python 7 Development
Working in several Open-Source & Side-Projects such as Twitter Scraper, Currency Converters and so on
Anaconda Distribution
Always Working With the latest whole set of Anaconda libraries
Working with the latest Pandas distribution
Jupyter, Numpy, Matplotlib, Numba
Working with the latest version of Jupyter Notebook extensions & libraries, Numpy, Matplotlib, Numba, etc
Working with the latest version of MongoDB 4.2
Multi-model Graph DBMS
Currently testing & Comparing Diverse Multi-model Graph DBMS
Multi-model RDF Stores
Currently testing & Comparing Diverse Multi-model RDF Stores
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
Currently testing & Comparing Diverse Knowledge Graph Stores such as Stardog, Grakn.ai, Timbr, etc.
- 2000 PhD Candidateship Doctorate in Philosophy, Department of Information Systems, Wollongong University, Wollongong, NSW-Australia PhD Thesis Title: “Resource Discovery on WWW/Internet Databases: Integrating Structured & Information Retrieval Models”. Thesis focused on resource discovery of heterogeneous, autonomous & distributed WWW/Internet Databases.
- 1998 Master of Information Systems (Honours) By Research, Department of Information Systems, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW-Australia. Master Thesis Title: “Database Querying on the WWW: The Design & Implementation of Domain-specific Database Search Engines”. Thesis focused in structured/domain-specific Web Information Retrieval and parametric database search engines.
- 1996 Postgraduate Diploma Business Information Systems, Department of Information Systems, Wollongong, NSW-Australia. Postgraduate degree Information Systems & Commercial Business Programming. High Distinction Average, Best Graduating Student, 1996 UNISYS Award Honours
- 1994 Dip. Informatics, EU Informatica Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Equivalent to a BSc in Computer Science/Software Engineering and to the current Spanish degree entitled “Computer and Information Systems Engineering”. A combination of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems courses. The final degree project/thesis included the development of a client-server database/work-flow system via evolutionary prototyping, RAD techniques & 4GL's.
- All
- University of Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Academic & Research Positions
- 2007 NICTA Research Scholarship at the Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) at the School of Information Technologies University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. Research Activities Focused Towards Developing a "Hypothesis Formulation and Testing Framework" for Life Sciences Bio-ontologies and Semantic Web Distributed Data Repositories
- 2005 Research Fellowship Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Work package Leader Knowledge Web Network of Excellence FP6-507482: work package leader of the WP 2.3 Dynamics (Versioning of Ontologies) within the four year Network of Excellence project funded by the European Commission 6th Framework Program. Member of the “Paraconsistent Trustworthy Reasoning in Emerging Systems” (PATRES) FP6-2002-IST-C: Future and Emerging Technologies, an FP6 Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) proposal.
- 2002-2004 Computer Science Lecturer Mediterranean University of Science & Technology (MUST), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Computer Science lecturer at the Department of Computer Science teaching the following courses Programming & Databases, Database Management Systems, Information & Data Structures, Methodology & Technology of Programming, Introduction to Programming and Advanced administration of Databases. Task included designing course programs, preparing course contents, preparing practical assignments, quizzes, projects and exercises, theory and practical class lectures, weekly tutorials, setup of web pages including course programs and preparation of the “Venia Docendi” in the area of Computer Languages and Information Systems focused in the area of database management systems
- 2000 R&D Software Engineer, R&D Innovit Start-Up, Australian Technology Park, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Development Intelligent Catalogue Management Engine for B2B & B2C E-Commerce Catalogues. Responsibilities involved data modelling with Oracle Designer CASE tool, object/database/interface/library layer deployed with JAVA JDK/J2EE/JDBC, JAVA IDE’s, Ansi SQL, DB2, Cloudscape. Also code re-factoring, query & transaction management, object-relational mapping, JDBC connectivity, DB2 & Cloudscape maintenance & set up, database design & performance, automated tests with JUnit framework, Extreme Programming practices, CVS code repositories and the Bugzilla bug tracking system
PUBLICATIONS (selected) CODE: B = Book BC = Book Chapter P = paper R = revision E = editor
AUTHORS: Sebastian Schaffert, François Bry, Philippe Besnard, Hendrik Decker, Stefan Decker, Carlos F. Enguix and Andreas Herzig |
PUBLISHER: Proceedings International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2005 Workshop Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web |
PAGES: 104-105 |
YEAR: 2005 |
AUTHORS: Daniel Jimenez, Edgardo Ferreti, Vicente Vidal, Paolo Rosso and Carlos F. Enguix |
TITLE: “The Influence of Semantics in IR using LSI and K-Means Clustering Techniques” |
PUBLISHER International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, ISICT 03, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. ACM Digital Library |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK:(ISBN, ISSN,...): ISBN: 0-9544145-2-7 |
PAGES: 286-291 |
YEAR: 2003 |
AUTHORS: Jimenez, D., Enguix, C. F., Vidal, V. |
TITLE: "A Comparison of Experiments with the Bisecting-Spherical K-Means Clustering and SVD Algorithms" |
PUBLISHER I Workshop on Processing and Information Retrieval, JOTRI 2002, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, July 2002. Editors Sanchis, E., Moreno, L., Gil |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK:(ISBN, ISSN,...): ISBN 84-9705-199-8 |
PAGES: 45-52 |
YEAR: 2002 |
1999 AUTHORS: Cindy Olivia, C.F Enguix, C.F Chang, A.K. Ghose |
TITLE: “Domain-Specific Intelligent Search with Case-based BDI Agents” |
PUBLISHER WWW8 Conference Posters |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK: (ISBN, ISSN,...): WWW8 Conference Posters |
PAGES: 140-141 |
YEAR: 1999 |
AUTHORS: Cindy Olivia, C.F Chang, C.F Enguix, A.K. Ghose
TITLE: “Case-Based BDI Agents: An Effective Approach for Intelligent Search on the World Wide Web” |
PUBLISHER American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK:(ISBN, ISSN,...): Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium ISBN 1-57735-081-2 |
VOLUME: SS-99-03 |
PAGES: 20-27 |
YEAR: 1999 |
AUTHORS: Carlos F. Enguix, Joseph G. Davis |
TITLE: “Database Querying on the World Wide Web: UniGuide an Object-Relational Search Engine For Australian Universities” |
PUBLISHER Computer Networks and ISDN systems, Elsevier Science Direct |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK: (ISBN, ISSN,...): ISSN 0169-7552/98 |
VOLUME: 30 Issues 1-7 |
PAGES: 567-572 |
YEAR: 1998 |
AUTHORS: Enguix, C. F., Davis, J.G., Ghose, A.K.
TITLE: “Database Querying on the World Wide Web: UniGuide an Object-Relational Search Engine For Australian Universities” (extended version) |
PUBLISHER Proceedings of the Workshop on Reuse of Web Information held in conjunction with the 7th WWW Conference |
REF. JOURNAL/BOOK: (ISBN, ISSN,...): CSIRO Report Number CMIS 98-11 |
PAGES: 107 |
YEAR: 1998 |
Conferences & Workshops
AUTHORS: Jimenez, D., Enguix, C. F., Vidal, V. |
TITLE: "A Comparison of Experiments with the Bisecting-Spherical K-Means Clustering and SVD Algorithms" |
WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE: I Workshop on Processing and Information Retrieval, JOTRI 2002, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, July 2002 |
PUBLICATION: I Workshop on Processing and Information Retrieval, JOTRI 2002, Editors Emilio Sanchis, Lidia Moreno e Isidoro Gil, Technical University of Valencia (UPV) Publications |
PLACE: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain |
YEAR: 4/5 July 2002 |
AUTHORS: Carlos F. Enguix and Joseph G. Davis |
TITLE: “Filling the Gap: New Models for Systematic Page-based Web Application Development & Maintenance” |
WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE: WWW8 Workshop Web Engineering'99 |
PUBLICATION: ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, Volume 8 Issue 3 WWW8 Workshop Web Engineering'99 |
PLACE: Toronto, Canada |
YEAR: 11 May 1999 |
AUTHORS: Cindy Olivia, C.F Enguix, C.F Chang, A.K. Ghose |
TITLE: “Domain-Specific Intelligent Search with Case-based BDI Agents” |
WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE: 8th World Wide Web Conference |
PUBLICATION: WWW8 Conference Posters |
PLACE: Toronto, Canada |
YEAR: May 11-14 1999 |
1998 |
AUTHORS: Carlos F. Enguix and Joseph G. Davis |
TITLE: “Database Querying on the World Wide Web: UniGuide an Object-Relational Search Engine For Australian Universities” |
WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE: Workshop on Reuse of Web Information held in conjunction with the 7th WWW Conference |
PUBLICATION: Proceedings of the Workshop on Reuse of Web Information held in conjunction with the 7th WWW Conference, 14 April 1998, Brisbane, Australia, Anne-Marie Vercoustre, Maria Milosavljevic and Ross Wilkinson. Editors, CSIRO Report Number CMIS 98-11, 107 pages |
PLACE: Brisbane, Australia |
YEAR: 14 April 1998 |
AUTHORS: Enguix, C. F., Joseph G. Davis |
TITLE: “Database Querying on the World Wide Web: UniGuide an Object-Relational Search Engine For Australian Universities” |
WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE: 7th World Wide Web Conference: Doctoral Consortium |
PUBLICATION: Computer Networks and ISDN systems 30 (1998) 567-572 |
PLACE: Brisbane, Australia |
YEAR: April 1998 |